who am I
I formatted on a blog (10 SECRET of SUCCESS and INNER PEACE) DR WAYNE
I am initiated into the third degree USHUI AND KARUNA REEKI that m ‘brings a lot of well being
and at the present time I have the chance to meet a shaman who gives me a small approach of shamanism
Link to see the blog (10 SECRET of SUCCESS and INNER PEACE) DR WAYNE
Link to watch my videos Pan pipe
Link to watch my videos Native American Indian Flute
Posté le 15 mars 2015 - par fontainepatrice17
La flûte de pan
La flûte de Pan est un instrument composé d’un ensemble de tuyaux sonores assemblés. le matériau vibrant produisant le son est donc l’air. Ma dernière vidéo partager sur youtube DOLANNES MELODIE